
Livegenic: Claims Processing From Your Pocket

Livegenic is making waves! In the last two weeks, we have been named by TheBest Claims Solutions as the Best App For Adjusters “For All of Your Claims Management Needs”. As well, Claim Technology recently referred to Livegenic as one of several solutions that “...are changing how household claims are settled.”

So what makes Livegenic such a great tool for claims adjusters? How exactly do our customers make a 2.4x ROI in their first year, and reduce cycle times by 350%? Let’s give you a rundown:

Why We’re Here

Livegenic History

Livegenic was founded in 2014 with a vision to build secure, scalable products that facilitate easy communication. That evolved into a core goal for the entire insurance industry: Enable insurers to See What The Customer Sees. With today’s policyholders having near-constant access to the internet through their smart devices, video collaboration could give adjusters a window into a loss at any time, and in any place. So how could we enhance the capabilities of adjusters everywhere, while saving carriers time and money?

How Livegenic Streamlines Workflows and Saves You Money

We aimed from the start to address the major challenges and pain points of claims inspections. What parts of the process were eating up the most time, cost and efficiency? And how could they be resolved with virtual tools? Here’s what we came up with:

Travel Costs - Coordinating schedules, expensive travel costs, long cycle times… traditional “in-person” inspections take up a lot of resources. Inspecting remotely bypasses all of those issues. Inspections can begin right at FNOL, and your business can determine immediately if the claim can be handled virtually. Save hours (or days) of time and thousands of dollars by helping your adjusters avoid long travel times and costly 3rd-party inspections for minor losses. And with the ease of early documentation, identifying profitable subrogation opportunities that would otherwise be lost in the wait can help further increase the return for insurers.

Cycle Times - With all that time saved, adjusters and claims departments can process more claims with less effort. As an example, in many cases more than 60% of all minor property claims can be fully documented within 24 hours of a virtual inspection, with an average total cycle time of less than 40 hours from FNOL to claim-closed.

Customer Satisfaction - Studies have shown that the insurance and claims industry lags far behind other industries in the eyes of customers. Today’s policyholders already have access to any number of effective, easy-to-use digital solutions for everything from banking, to entertainment, to real estate, yet the insurance industry has only recently begun to explore digital solutions. Livegenic can be your organization’s first great leap into digital services, satisfying customers with more options and quicker resolution - and you can get started in less than 24 hours.

How It Works

Livegenic was designed to be easy to use, both for your customers and for your staff (see below for info on how quick and easy it is to implement!), our platform includes both browser-based and app-based tools, each of which can work in either a live or offline environment - so your customers and field inspectors always have a way to gather the documentation they need.

Browser-Based Solutions:
  • Customer Portal - Download-free live collaboration
  • Self-Service Portal - Dynamic Self-Service Inspections

For Apps:
  • MyClaim App - Full Self-Service Collaboration for Customers
  • Enterprise App - Ultimate Field Service Toolbox for Adjusters

A typical remote inspection takes only seconds to setup, and can be completed within minutes:
  • The adjuster sends an invitation link to the policyholder via SMS or email, this link provides direct access to the chosen Livegenic mobile tool.
  • The policyholder uses the link to access the mobile tool and can immediately begin streaming live video.
  • The adjuster connects to the video, and can now direct the policyholder through capturing all relevant documentation.
  • All content from the session, including videos, photos, attachments, and metadata like GPS location, are automatically uploaded to the Livegenic cloud where they can be accessed at any time.

Broadly, this is the same familiar process as a typical field inspection, only without costly or inefficient travel or content management. Beyond basic live collaboration, Livegenic also fully supports many other workflows as well - our mobile suite includes dedicated solutions for automated customer self-service, as well as fully-featured tools specifically for adjusters and other field staff.

In addition to our recording, collaboration, and storage capabilities, Livegenic provides a host of other features and benefits, like:

AR MeasurementsAccurate, real-time measurements, right from your insured or inspector’s smartphone.

Custom Reports – For times when no signal can be found, we allow for custom offline reports to keep adjusters working regardless of connection.

Secure Storage – All data associated with the claim is saved to one place. We take great pride in our security track record, and have never lost a single file or piece of content in the history of our company. Livegenic is your one stop shop for collecting, managing and reviewing content.

Implementation and Getting Started

Not only does Livegenic help your organization save time and money, our platform was designed to make the implementation process as simple as possible, and can not only be done swiftly (think days, not months), but also with a minimal amount of training required for your team.

Implementing Livegenic is not an all-encompassing task: by design, it can be deployed at whatever pace fits your needs. Whether it’s a purely “off the shelf” implementation which can be ready to use in mere hours; or a highly-customized implementation which integrates with your other core systems - we provide all the tools you’ll need. By having a platform that can be fully-functional right out of the gate, we enable our clients to start seeing benefits immediately, without having to make major transitions to new processes first.

A Better Solution For CAT Events

Livegenic is particularly useful for Catastrophic claims incidents like hurricanes, floods, hail storms, and fires. When a high volume of losses has occurred, virtual inspections enable insurers to triage and resolve minor claims right off the bat, so that your team can focus on providing support to those that need it most when time is of the essence.

Look no further than our case study about how our partners at MADSKY leveraged Livegenic to quickly respond to the destruction and damages caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

At Livegenic, our goal is to help your business leverage the power of modern technology to improve and enhance every step of the claims process.

Learn what else Livegenic can do for YOU. Request A Demo Today.

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