
Optimizing insurance claims with real-time video collaboration

We recently ran active engagement in a LinkedIn poll, which allowed us to conduct industry research and uncover valuable insights about the industry's perspective on the impact of real-time video collaboration on insurance claim processing speed. 

Poll results - Livegenic

Here's what we found: The results broken down.

🚀 Significantly Faster (58%): A majority of respondents believe that real-time video collaboration significantly accelerates insurance claim processing. This outcome underscores the growing importance of leveraging technology to streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and meet the evolving needs of claimants in a fast-paced world.

🏃 Somewhat Faster (21%): A substantial portion of the respondents recognize the positive influence of real-time video collaboration, albeit to a somewhat lesser degree. This suggests that while the technology may not revolutionize the process for everyone, it can still be a valuable tool in expediting claims handling.

🤷 No Noticeable Difference (4%): A small minority reported no discernible change in claim processing speed with the use of real-time video collaboration. It's important to note that certain factors, such as claim complexity or individual preferences, can impact the perceived effect of this technology.

🛑It Slows the Process Down (17%): Approximately one in six respondents expressed concerns that real-time video collaboration might hinder the speed of insurance claim processing. This feedback is vital as it highlights potential challenges and areas for improvement in the implementation of such solutions.

What this means.

To the 17% of respondents who may not fully grasp how technology like Livegenic can revolutionize insurance claim processing and enhance productivity, let's break it down. Livegenic isn't just a customer engagement platform; it's a powerful tool that bridges workflow gaps, offering unmatched efficiency tailored to the insurance industry.

Here's how it can address various aspects of your business:

  1. Reduce Cycle Times: Livegenic streamlines the claim process, reducing the time it takes to assess, process, and settle claims. This means quicker resolutions for your policyholders.
  2. Supply Chain Management: For claims related to property damage or loss, Livegenic helps manage the supply chain more efficiently, facilitating faster repairs or replacements.
  3. Centralized Claim Information: It provides a centralized platform for storing and accessing claim data. This ensures all relevant information is readily available, reducing the time spent searching for documents and data.
  4. Decrease Inspection Costs: By facilitating remote assessments through real-time video collaboration, Livegenic can reduce the need for physical inspections, saving on assessment costs.
  5. Reduce Litigation Risk: The ability to document and share real-time video evidence can help in dispute resolution, potentially reducing the risk of litigation.
  6. Improve Business Continuity: In the face of unexpected events (natural disasters, pandemics, etc.), Livegenic ensures that your business can continue to process claims efficiently, regardless of physical office closures.
  7. Increase Employee Productivity: With Livegenic's user-friendly tools and adaptability, your claims processing team can work more efficiently, handle more claims, and provide better customer service.


These insights demonstrate the diverse perspectives within the insurance industry, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges associated with real-time video collaboration. It's crucial for insurers to consider these views and tailor their approach to claim processing to meet the varying needs of policyholders.

The poll results confirm that the adoption of technology, like real-time video collaboration, is becoming increasingly important in the insurance sector. To maximize its benefits and minimize potential drawbacks, insurers should focus on ensuring seamless integration, user-friendliness, and addressing any concerns that may have been raised in this poll.

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