
When We Commit to Make a Difference

I guess it goes without saying that I love what I do. I feel lucky to have a great partner and a wonderful team and we are all committed to change the world. Well, maybe not the whole world just yet, but we are certainly aiming to make a big difference. For our young organization, this difference is customer service and customer support.

I would like to share a little insight into our small bite of early recognition. While it was a small success, it really recognized the difference we are making. A true, inspiring moment that makes all the hard work and relentless efforts worth it.

My partner and I were visiting an early client's office and just conducted the training. The training for this public adjustment company was a lot of fun and went extremely well. We went through a presentation, explained our solutions, and role played with our brave early adopters to be customer service agents and the customers. Committed to our client’s success, we did not leave after the training. Instead, we stayed for the duration of the day to help with any questions that may occur once our solutions are employed.

About 3 hours went by uneventfully. It was a nice sunny day, when not too many calls are made for help with claims. We were ready to pack, when the intercom in the conference room that became my temporary office went off.

“We have our first customer using Livegenic to show us the claim remotely”, said the voice on the intercom. We dropped everything and went to find the adjuster who took the call. Few flights of stairs and we were in adjuster’s office, looking at his desk and two side by side monitors. On one monitor, there was a claims management system, while on the other was our portal with a real-time streaming video feed from the customer’s mobile phone.

It was surreal. Adjuster’s speakerphone was on and I could hear the conversation with the client. The client was instructed to show the size and scope of the damage. In this case, there was water in the basement, a wet carpet, lots of wet personal items, and even damaged, water saturated doors that either were unable to be closed or were stuck shut.

Walking the client through demonstration of the damage, the adjuster inspected the windows, walls, and even exterior water runoff spouts, until finally recognizing a sump pump behind one of the basement doors. The prior night, heavy thunderstorms pounded the area with severe flood warnings, and when the heavy rain persistently continued, the sump pump was unable to hold the volume of water it had to pump into the drain.

“This is great”, said an adjuster. “Typically it would have been a next day inspection to figure out the problem and after cleanup, we might not have been able to offer help. Now, this way, the call was reduced to simply determining the client’s coverage.” If the coverage covered a sump pump endorsement, the claim can be completely handled remotely and the water damage cleanup crew can be called to clean the area to avoid further damage and mold. Most importantly, with insurance coverage, the home owner would not have to break his back attempting to clean things up himself, as the cleanup crew work would be completely covered and paid for by insurance.

I stood there watching this happen in owe. The vision my partner and I had, and the hard work that went into implementing the technology has just made one happy client and one satisfied customer. In a life of entrepreneur, this is the moment to remember. The first time your ideas, concepts, and hard work truly makes the difference.

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